Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Very First Episode Posted!

In this episode, we tell you a little bit about who we are and why we started this podcast. For our main topic, we discuss how best to get into the hobby and what to do once you find yourself obsessed with board games. Finally, we review the route-buildin', card-collectin', gateway classic Ticket to Ride!

The base game of Ticket to Ride comes with a great map of the United States that could make this game ideal for teaching children geography or revealing your friends' ignorance!

Your trains, with which you will build your transnational empire.

The game, post-play. Ticket to Ride definitely looks interesting when you finish a game. After-game discussions usually revolve around tracing your route out for the other players and opining on how it all went wrong...

Comparison of the cards from the 1910 expansion and the base set. The larger cards from the expansion definitely feel better in the hand and shuffle verrrry smoothly.


  1. Just discovered this, and it,s pretty cool! Keep it on!

  2. I second Lectitadin's comment. When you first start listening it sounds a little shaky but you guys soon warm up to deliver a warm and engaging podcast based on a great concept. As someone new to gaming myself I really appreciate your efforts.
