It's our Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Special!! We auctioned off the opportunity to choose our topic and review in the JVMF charity auction on BoardGameGeek and this is the result. In this episode, we talk about Living Card Games. When is a good time to jump in on an LCG and how are they best played? Then, we review the role-selection/deduction game Libertalia and compare it to Citadels. Enjoy!
You might not be able to decipher what this game is like from the box but you've got to admit, it looks pretty.
Another example of the artwork in the game. There is a big variety of characters with strange abilities, but the fact that everyone is playing with the same set evens out the playing field.
The main board. After everyone plays their cards, they are organized into the spaces on the board. You can see the random good that have been placed on the bottom of the board. This is a 3-player game so each "day" has 3 good on offer.
The game set-up for three players.
Me and my parents love to play different kind of games and this makes us bond together.