Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Episode 5 - "Board Games vs Video Games" and Summoner Wars

Video Games! In this episode of the Start Space Podcast, we compare video games to board games. How do we get video gamers to sit down at a table with us and give analog games a shot? We also review the two-player card battle game, Summoner Wars!

This box contains all you need to play the game for a long time. Six very different armies will allow you to try out a bunch of interesting combinations. But, if you do find yourself getting bored...

There are plenty of expansions available for the game, and the box allows you to store many decks comfortably. (Some of the slots have two decks stacked.)

This is what a match between the Mountain Vargath and Deep Dwarves looks like at setup. Each army begins with units and walls on the board ready to go.

Each army deck comes with a setup card that shows you where your units begin. Compare this card with the setup above. Go ahead. Do it.

A close up of some cards. The large number in the top left indicates the attack strength of the unit. Below that is the summoning cost, the symbol which indicates melee or ranged attack, bubbles which show hit points and a unit's special abilities. 

DIIICCCCEEEE!!!!!!!! (and wound markers)

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